Permanent makeup or Saline Tattoo Lightening FAQs



Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique which employs tattoos (permanent pigmentation of the dermis) as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as eyelining and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, eyebrows and eyelids. It is also used to restore or enhance the breast's areola, such as after breast surgery.

Most commonly called permanent cosmetics, other names include derma-pigmentationmicro-pigmentation, and cosmetic tattooing,the latter being most appropriate since permanent makeup is applied under sterile conditions similar to that of a tattoo.

can anyone get permanent makeup?

No, there are certain things that can prevent you from getting permanent makeup such as:

  • if you are under 18 years old

  • Pregnant or breast feeding

  •  Having any skin disease symptoms or irritation on my face and area of procedure (e.g. seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, rash or acne.)

  • Currently (or recently) undergoing chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immune or hormonal therapy.

  • Currently on antibiotics (at least two weeks must pass after finishing a course before your appointment date.)

  • Have HIV or Hepatitis or any other viral infections and/or diseases (compromised immune system can lead to unpredictable results.)

  • Have active cancer (or skin cancer in area of procedure.)

  • Have hemophilia or any other bleeding disorders.

  • Have uncontrolled high blood pressure, major heart problems, pace maker, healing disorders or develop infections easily.

  • Have epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, febrile infections, congenital immunodeficient disorders, other causes of immunosupression or neurodermitis.

  • Taking any of the following medications: Warfarin/Farin/Coumadine/Clexane/Fraxiparine or similar.

  • Has diabetes (must get a doctors note prior to procedure.)

  • Have any eye conditions like glaucoma, dry eye, etc.)

  • Currently sick with the flu, sinus infection or cold. (Must reschedule)


    Please contact me prior to booking if you:

  • are prone to keloid scarring

  • are allergic to colors/pigments/pigments or topical anesthetic preparation (e.g. Lidocaine, Tetracaine, Epinephrine)

  • have old permanent makeup

how to prepare for my permanent makeup procedure?

  • DO NOT take Aspirin, Niacin, Advil/Ibuprofen/Aleve, any painkillers or drink any alcohol 24 hours prior to your appointment. These are blood thinners and will cause bleeding and bruising.

  • DO NOT tan or sunbathe one week prior to procedure.

  • NO brow waxing one week prior to procedure.

  • NO microdermabrasion or chemical peels, laser treatments.

  •  You must wait 14-28 days after getting botox or fillers in the area of procedure.

For the Lip Blush Procedure:

  • keep lips moisturized with Vaseline or Aquaphor for one week prior to the procedure.

  • if you are prone to getting cold sores, get prescription medication (Zovirax/Acyclovir or another) from your doctor and start taking it couple days before the procedure, day of procedure and few days after procedure. Due to the trauma that will be caused by the procedure on the skin, it will likely cause an outbreak. These prescriptions will keep that from happening.

what is post treatment care and what to expect afterwards?


First Week:

It’s important to try not to get the tattoo wet during the healing process (5-7 days). Even though it is unlikely that the tattoo will remain dry for the entirety of the healing process, refrain from swimming or submerging the area in water for long periods of time for the first week of healing.

Following this makeup tattoo aftercare procedure will ensure the formation of thin scabs thus more color retention. Keep out of the sun for 7 days after you get your tattoo.

● FOR LIPS ONLY: Use Aquaphor to keep the tattoo protected while it heals and to soothe any discomfort such as itching or dryness. Avoid applying lip balms, lipstick, or other lip products during this time. Apply Aquaphor every 30-60 minutes for the first week to keep lips from drying out.

● AVOID touching any tattooed area with your hands. Apply all recommended products with Q-tips ONLY. If the area must be touched with hands, make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before and after touching the tattooed area.

● Day 3-4: When the scab starts to appear, do not wipe- only dab until dry; you must be gentle! Do not pull off the scabs prematurely.

● Week 2 or 3: After the procedure is completely healed, you may go back to your regular cleansing and makeup routine.

Avoid scrubbing the area. Use sun block after the procedure area is healed to protect from sun fading.


● Scrub, rub, or pick at the epithelial crust that forms. Allow it to flake off by itself. If it is removed before it is ready, the pigment underneath it can be pulled out.

● Use any makeup on the tattooed area for at least 7 days.

●Use any Retin-A, Glycol Acids, or Neosporin in the tattooed area during or after healing.

● Expose area to sun or tanning beds.

● Swim in a pool for 14 days after your procedure.

What is normal?

● Mild swelling, itching, light scabbing, light brushing and dry tightness. Ice packs are a nice relief for swelling and bruising. Aftercare ointments work well for scabbing and tightness.

● Too dark and slightly uneven appearance. After 2-7 days the darkness will fade, and once any swelling dissipates, unevenness usually disappears. Adjustments will be made during the touch-up appointment.

● Color change or color loss. As the procedure area heals, the color will lighten and sometimes seem to disappear in places. This can be addressed during the touch up appointment, which is why touch up appointments are necessary. The procedure area has to heal completely before we can address any concerns. Healing takes about 4 weeks.

● Need a touch up months later. A touch up may be needed 6 months to 1 year after the first touch up procedure depending on your skin, medications, and sun exposure. We recommend the first touch up 30 days after the first session, then every 6 months to 1 year to keep your tattoos looking fresh and beautiful!


If the skin around the tattooed area breaks into a heat rash, or small pimples, this is usually a reaction to the numbing solution and should go away on its own in a couple of weeks. Please do not pick at it! Call immediately if this occurs so a technician can make a note of the reaction and follow up to ensure this is not a more serious situation!

what are powder brows/lip blush/Freckles/Saline Tattoo Lightening?

Powder brows are done with a machine in order to create an shaded look instead of individual hair strokes. Powder brows give a soft makeup look. The soft makeup look means that the tails of the brows are darker and fade to a lighter at the start of the brows, giving them a subtle look. Powder Brows are a form of cosmetic tattooing. The pigment will fade over time. Annual Touch-Ups are recommended to keep them looking perfect! There is no guarantee in how long the results will last as each person has different skin and lifestyle. Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: skin type, pigment selection, lifestyle (sun exposure), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), chemical peels, etc.

Lip Blush Tattoos, enhance the natural shape of your lips, giving them that boost of vitality and colour. It is an extremely popular, semi-permanent makeup treatment providing a flush of colour as well as defining the contours of the lip. Lip Blush is a form of cosmetic tattooing. The pigment will fade over time. Annual Touch-Ups are recommended to keep the lips looking perfect! There is no guarantee in how long the results will last as each person has different skin and lifestyle. Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: skin type, pigment selection, lifestyle (sun exposure), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), chemical peels, etc.

Freckle Tattoos are a semi-permanent option to give you that sun-kissed look all-year round. Just like other permanent makeup, tattoo freckles require periodic upkeep. They need to be touched up every 6 months as the skin metabolizes the pigment. Frequency of touch-ups depends on a number of factors including: skin type, pigment selection, lifestyle (sun exposure), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), chemical peels.

Saline Tattoo Lightening is exactly how it sounds, however, the most common term used is Saline Removal. Unfortunately, tattoo lightening is a process and removal is never a guarantee. The intention is to lighten the area being treated as much as possible in order to easily cover up or work over the area.

The procedure uses a saline solution and a manual tool or machine to deposit the saline solution into the skin. Saline solution dries out the skin and as it does, it attaches or binds to the pigment breaks it down, and draws it up and out of the skin.

This technique can be used on both permanent makeup and tattoos. The largest area for a tattoo that can be treated is the size of a stack of cards.

Why Choose Saline Tattoo Lightening?

Saline lightening is safe to perform on most skin types, compared to other methods of removal which can lead to more trauma to the skin as well as hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation or even scarred skin. When done correctly, saline lightening can also help break down scar tissue, which often can be a result of microblading.

Although any type of pigment lightening isn't the most enjoyable saline lightening tends to be less painful than other methods. Saline lightening isnt colour specific meaning it can lighten/remove any pigment unlike laser. This means that you may have better success treating commonly difficult to remove colours red orange, yellow, pale blue and white. Saline lightening actually removes ink from the body by pushing itup and out rather than through your lymphatic system. You can easily get another tattoo on the same place once it has healed up.